Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Representing our Family picture for our first Blog is Aidan. 5 years old and full of life. Smarter than any other 5 year old I have ever met. Aidan loves trains, Blue's clues and his brother Jonas. Today at Soccer practice after I tried and tried to get a little boy on our team to come and play I asked Aidan to get him to come onto the field. Aidan went over to him -bent over and talked to him for a few minutes and had him back on the field playing with us. Aidan loves everyone and has a special way about him that includes everyone around him.

Inspired . . . . for now

I have never seen myself as a writer and it scares me to death to think that my sister in law Jill may read this and judge my writing. (For those of you who don't know her she is an English Major) But I have been inspired by other blogs - Namely my brother Jeff's Blog http://jeffandkaren.blogspot.com/ - but as our friends and family continue to grow I thought this was a good way to share our life with those we love. So welcome one and all to our world. I hope you will visit often and comment and share with us as we learn and grow and love life.