Thursday, October 26, 2006

McKay Drew Anderson: October 2nd 2006

He must have known it was time. Although Jamie was scheduled to be induced on Monday October 2nd, McKay must have known too, but he couldnt wait. I looked at the clock as we rounded the corner from 1300 S and South Temple and it read 12:05 am. Jamie thought she was in labor, we called the Hospital and they told us to come in. At 6:02 McKay was born. The interesting thing is that the nurse told us there were 11 inductions scheduled for that day and that the hospital was full. If we were to be induced it would have been Tuesday at the earliest. As it was Jamie and Mckay came home on Tuesday. Much thanks to friends and family who fed us, clothed the baby, and took the "big boys" so Mom and Dad could take care of McKay.

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